What my art work means to me is the ability to stimulate the imagination and kick start the beginning artist in everyone.The materials I use are charcoal, graphite, and acrylic paints. I use Blick canvas panels as well as Windsor and Newton wood frame classic cotton canvas. I use Robert Simmons synthetic brushes and Chroma A2 Lightfast Heavy Body Acrylics. My process usually involves an atomic fireball sucker and some Dubstep in my ear buds. I will see something in a magazine or book and be inspired. I may just have an idea that pops in my head and I'll quickly sketch it out on whatever is available, usually a napkin or paper towel.    

What inspires my work is always changing.  I gravitate towards the macabre but I like to try every style and even create new styles.  I enjoy to tell a story that gives the viewer something to try and figure out.  My work represents mystery and excitement.  I try and stay away from boring subject matter.  I want the viewer to stop and think instead of passing on by,